
2023-12-14 13:38:21 来源:网友发布 作者:网友发布

《LOVE》Joss Stone/Nat King Cole:

L is for the way you look at me L是你看我的方式

O is for the only one I see O代表我唯一看到的

V is very, very extraordinary V代表非常非常特别

E is even more than anyone that you adore E代表不仅仅是你爱慕的任何人

and love is all that I can give to you爱是我所能给与你的一切

Love is more than just a game for two爱不仅只是两个人在玩游戏

Two in love can make it 要两个人相爱才行

Take my heart but please don't break it 带走我的心但是请不要让它心碎

Love was made for me and you爱是由你和我创造/组成的

L is for the way you look at me L是你看我的方式

O is for the only one I see O代表我唯一看到的

V is very, very extraordinary V代表非常非常特别

E is even more than anyone that you adore E代表不仅仅是你爱慕的任何人

and love is all that I can give to you爱是我唯一能够给予你的

Love is more than just a game for two爱不仅只是两个人在玩游戏

Two in love can make it 要两个人相爱才行

Take my heart but please don't break it 带走我的心但是请不要让它心碎

Love was made for me and you爱是由你和我组成的

Love was made for me and you

Love was made for me and you

Your love was made for me and you

Was made for me and you…

《We Will Rock You》皇后乐队(Queen)最著名的单曲之一,曲调大气恢弘、气势磅礴,广为流传。发行于1978年初,同期发布的还有另外一首超级经典的"We Are the Champions"。这两首歌都以昂扬向上、震撼人心见长,因此,被大量的体育甚至政治场合借用。国内大部分人了解皇后乐队,就是从这首歌开始的。从流行巨星布兰妮,到卡拉OK厅里不知名的干嚎,都无数次的翻唱过这首歌曲。


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